The outdoor speed with an Ostomy

Striving and working hard always came easy for me. The fact is that I am a determined individual who constantly has the drive to work hard. While most people struggle with finding motivation, my core goal is that I always wanted to work hard. My past taught me and my family has blessed me with the ability to learn from my dad who also has a chronic hard worker problem. Any endeavors that we decided on, we achieved, one way or another. Now I was lucky to have graduated high school early, got accepted to every college he applied to, and got an internship in the summers working at a local business.


In every sense of the word, I am beyond the ability to be determined. As a matter of fact, my father was even determined when he found out I had inherited Crohn’s Disease from his father. I knew his disease would be life-altering but he was not phased. I knew my father ended up having a wonderful and successful life with ostomy care, and I knew then and I know now that I would follow in his same footsteps. All of My doctor’s appointments ended positively because I chose to be positive about it. That choice was not easy though and I have to admit that there can be some really tough times to ponder.


Now I knew I had to wait and try a few other options before ultimately deciding on a stoma. It was a taught thing to think about going up for the ostomy care because it would honestly mean a more normal life for me. There were a few positives to think about and now knew that I would no longer have to worry about finding the bathroom in every place I went. Or worry about pain from bowel movements. His stoma would bring a new sense of life and make me a better person.

One instance how a stoma would make me a better person is not having to find a bathroom when running a marathon! He had been training for marathons ever since high school when he was a part of his cross country team. He was beating even his fastest times now that he had an ostomy. I did not have to pause to use the restroom or worry about stomach pains.  This was really important to me because that was just simply hard to live with.


For my father If anything he was worried about his ostomy bag when he was running. He was surprised to find affordable pouches that were securely tied to his body so he could run. He even felt comfortable running with his shirt off because the pouch just looked like a waist trainer when he was running. He was confident in his abilities and with himself.

People do not need to be ashamed or worry about their life after their ostomy surgery. In almost all cases, an ostomy makes the patient’s life way better and gives them a more normal life. It does not matter what kind of life you lead, an ostomy will fit right into your normal routine. Even the most athletic of people, like myself and my father, benefit from this procedure.  It is something that keeps me and my father from pain and can do the same thing for you as well. 


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